This talk was prepared by Gerrit Imsieke and me and held at the Symposium of Balisage Markup Conference 2016 in Bethesda (Maryland, USA) on August 1, 2016. The paper to this talk was published in the Balisage proceedings.
Hogrefe’s Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs (CHPD) has for years been published from a bespoke XML vocabulary. When the publisher decided to market this flagship reference product in a standalone electronic version, goals included mobile access and faster lookup by substance name, trade name, indications, and drug interactions. Mobile-friendliness was required so that healthcare professionals could use mobile phones to access the content, including the many large tables. Many content-driven Web sites address similar challenges using a combination of Markdown content and static site generators written in procedural languages. Our experience shows that modern XSLT can create such electronic applications with moderate effort and superior results.