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From GitHub to GitHub with XProc. An approach to automate documentation for an Open Source project with XProc and the GitHub Web API.

This talk was held at the Balisage Markup Conference 2016 in Bethesda (Maryland, USA) on August 8, 2016. The paper to this talk was published in the Balisage proceedings.

For all too many developers, documentation comes last. The move from Subversion to Git provided the impetus to rethink storage of both code and documentation. It also provided an opportunity to use XSLT to harvest input for documentation from the code itself: XProc pipelines, XSLT transforms, XML Catalogs, and other sources. The process also allows the integration of human-generated documentation, such as tutorials written in DocBook. Final documentation is generated by more XSLT, which generates HTML pages which are committed with the source code to the GitHub repository.

Title of the first slide: From GitHub to GitHub with XProc. An approach to automate documentation for an Open Source project with XProc and the GitHub Web API.



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