A Comparison of Technologies
for Automated Typesetting
Is automated typesetting the solution?
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\tpTitle{Playing with Maps: Cartographic Games in the Western Culture}
\tpFullName{Seville, Adrian}
\tpFullName{Depaulis, Thierry}
\tpFullName{Bekkering, Geert H.}
\tpTitle{Playing with Maps: Cartographic Games in the Western Culture}
\tpTocAuthorNameList{Adrian Seville et al.}
\tpCopyright{Adrian Seville, Thierry Depaulis and Geert H. Bekkering}
\tpRunTitle{Playing with Maps}
\tpRunAuthorNameList{Seville et al.}
\tpAbstract{This is the first academic book wholly devoted to games based on maps. The authors are experts in their respective fields: board games, playing cards and dissected puzzles, bringing an informed historical approach to the development and diffusion of these games in Western Europe and America up to about the beginning of the twentieth century. The book gives an overview of research in this area of material studies, setting it in the context of cultural and cartographic history, while introductory background is given for those new to the field. Collectors and curators will also benefit from the taxonomic approach, particularly in the board game section, assisting in the organisation of this highly diverse material.}
\tpKeywords{board games – playing cards – dissected maps – history of cartography – cultural history – material culture}
\tpAffiliation{University of Edinburgh, \uppercase{UK}}
\tpAffiliation{Independent scholar}
\tpAffiliation{University of Utrecht, The Netherlands}
Demo Time!
There is no such thing as the perfect typesetting technology, but rather the solution that is most practical for a particular purpose.
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